IEEE NANO 2021 Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore
The IEEE NANO 2021 papers are now published in IEEE Xplore:,
Along with publication in IEEE Xplore, IEEE assures wide distribution of conference proceedings by providing abstracting and indexing information of all individual conference papers to worldwide databases. IEEE makes every reasonable attempt to ensure that abstracts and index entries of content accepted into the program are included in databases provided by independent abstracting and indexing services. Each abstracting and indexing partner makes its own editorial decision on what content to include. IEEE cannot guarantee entries are included in any particular database.
IEEE NANO 2021 received 285 contributions over its 20 tracks.
There were 166 registered attendees from more than 14 countries (most attendees: USA 24%, Canada 21%, India 10%, Italy 8.5%).
Best paper awards:
- “A structure-functional properties relationships phase diagram for eumelanin film”, Manuel Reali, Polytechnique Montreal
- “Biomass Combustion Fly Ash Derived Nanoporous Zeolites for Post-Combustion Carbon Capture”, Ben Petrovic, Mikhail Gorbounov, Abhishek Lahiri, Salman Masoudi Soltani, Brunel University London
- “Melanin a future multifunctional material for sustainable electronics”, Abdelaziz Gouda, Polytechnique Montreal
- “Intelligent surgical tools to sense squamous cell carcinoma in head and neck tumor resection”, Daniela Vieira, McGill University